
Showing posts from April, 2010

What is Search Engine?

Know about Search Engine... "Search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web". It is typically in the form of a web site that provides the visitor with an HTML form to fill out, which then searches the Information in search engine's database of content. Worldwide Popular Search Engines Google Yahoo MSN AltaVista AOL ASK

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

Intro to Search Engine Optimization... Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the Process of Improving the Volume of traffic of a Web Site. In other words we can say it a process by which we make more search engine friendly web site easy to find, easy to crawl and easy to categorize. The SEO expert figure out what search engines look at when they rank websites. Search Engine Optimization is begins even before designing any website. It starts by selecting the right domain name which is related and define our business propertly. You must then select the right keywords for each of your website individual pages which help us to come in search result page of various search engine like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista etc. Search Engine Optimization is not a Easy Job. It is more Complex then designing a website or coding, because there are million of competitor with you and you have to go first meaning you get top 10 rankings in all major search engine. Optimizing a website enables it to hi

SEO Expert Views before Launching Your Website.

In these following articles, we are giving basic SEO Expert guide of all the basic but essential tasks which should be done and tested before hosting your new website. 1. Website Title. It’s the first thing that shows on the top of a browser window. Which say the site nature to Search Engine. It is important from SEO point of view also. 2. Meta Tags play very important part to optimize any website. Search Engines take their data from meta tags. 3. Your website has good and meaningful content. Because after design it is very useful for viewers for understand site nature and function area. Make sure that our website content is correct including spelling, grammar and punctuation. 4. SEO Expert always say for stick with pure CSS, as this is the most code efficient design option. It is very important for optimization. 5. Code to Text Ratio also matter for optimization of website. SEO Expert calculates code to text ratio percentage of a web page is given below: Web Page Size :