SEO Expert Views before Launching Your Website.

In these following articles, we are giving basic SEO Expert guide of all the basic but essential tasks which should be done and tested before hosting your new website.

The Complete Guide to Launching a New Website by SEO Expert Anil
1. Website Title. It’s the first thing that shows on the top of a browser window. Which say the site nature to Search Engine. It is important from SEO point of view also.

2. Meta Tags play very important part to optimize any website. Search Engines take their data from meta tags.

3. Your website has good and meaningful content. Because after design it is very useful for viewers for understand site nature and function area. Make sure that our website content is correct including spelling, grammar and punctuation.

4. SEO Expert always say for stick with pure CSS, as this is the most code efficient design option. It is very important for optimization.

5. Code to Text Ratio also matter for optimization of website. SEO Expert calculates code to text ratio percentage of a web page is given below:
Web Page Size :
17481 Bytes = 17 KB
Code Size:
13692 Bytes = 13 KB
Text Size:
3789 Bytes = 4 KB
Code to Text Ratio = Text Size/Web Page Size*100
Code to Text Ratio = 3789/17481*100 = 21.67%

6. The Website Loading Time. It should be optimal, but very Important SEO Point of view. Because a user never wait for your website loading. Check everything including video, flash Files, Image to html, css, JavaScript. Avoid to put more heavy video and flash file and also put JavaScript in footer.

7. Favicon Icon. It shows on the left side of the url in web browser window. It plays a important role in branding Our Website.

8. Our website should be SEO Friendly Website Navigation. this is very important for encourage search engine spiders to spend as much time traversing links on the website.

9. Our Website doesn’t have any single dead-end links means your website is free of 404 issues. i.e. website pages that don't link back to other pages on the website and which aren’t fully functionally integrated.

10. Our Website should be cross browser compatibility. Just to ensure that our website is accessible across all major browsers, check your websites on Internet explorer version 6/7/8,9 Firefox, Safari, Opera and chrome etc.

11. In the twenty-first century of Competitive online marketing there is no so many times to customer finding your website and making the decision to buy is crucial. For this every web page should have a contact email address and phone number clearly visible at the top of the page and simple contact us form for send viewer request.

12. Website should be cross operating system compatibility. I always check your website on Mac, Linux and windows.

13. Seo Expert always recommended for your website Sitemap. It gives instruction for search engine about your website structure. Sitemap also helps a user find the right page. We should also submit our website sitemap to Yahoo, Google and MSN/Bing.

14. Our website should be W3C validation. SEO Expert say if your website is W3C validate. We can validate our markup and CSS on w3C. – Validating markup – Validating CSS

15. To measure success of our website and to see it is meeting the expected goal and also check the detailed behavior of users. It is mandatory to have some analytical application installed on the website. Common analytic tool are Google analytics, Clicky, Mint and stat counter.


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Unknown said…
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