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SEO Expert Views before Launching Your Website.

In these following articles, we are giving basic SEO Expert guide of all the basic but essential tasks which should be done and tested before hosting your new website. 1. Website Title. It’s the first thing that shows on the top of a browser window. Which say the site nature to Search Engine. It is important from SEO point of view also. 2. Meta Tags play very important part to optimize any website. Search Engines take their data from meta tags. 3. Your website has good and meaningful content. Because after design it is very useful for viewers for understand site nature and function area. Make sure that our website content is correct including spelling, grammar and punctuation. 4. SEO Expert always say for stick with pure CSS, as this is the most code efficient design option. It is very important for optimization. 5. Code to Text Ratio also matter for optimization of website. SEO Expert calculates code to text ratio percentage of a web page is given below: Web Page Size :