On-Page Optimization Factors That Affect Search Engine Rankings

As for as my experience say, On-page optimization put great factor to rank our website in search Engines. On page optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings and website traffic. In SEO on-page optimization refers to an effect on our Website & Web pages listing in natural search engine results that we can say pure natural result. These factors are controlled by webmaster or by coding on your web page.

On-Page SEO Factors

There are several on-page optimization factors that affect search engine rankings.

1. SEO Friendly Website Structure : The web page should be SEO friendly means, use HTML tags in proper manner ie H1 tags come only one time in web page. try to avoid to use table tags, flash content in web page. A well planned site structure improves your chances of ranking well in Google search results. A good structure means better crawling. Web crawlers like Googlebot crawls a website’s structure. Their goal is to index the content in order to return it in search results. The better your site structure, the easier the crawlers can access and index the content.

2. Meta Tags : This is the most import factor of on-page optimization factor. Search engines use the text contained within the title tag as a primary factor to determine what the content of your web page is about. Always start title with keywords and make title to no longer use 65-70 character in title and 200-250 in meta description also 250-300 characters in meta keywords. Search Engines will display the title tag at the top of each item in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). The words we use for the title tag is also the text that is displayed at the top left corner of the browser window, so we should pay more attention to where we place our keywords in our web page title.

3. Avoid Flash in your website : My research say Information imbedded in flash website is almost invisible to search engines, so Flash is bad for SEO. Flash website also not works in different platforms and it usually take way too long to load webpages. To be truly successful, a website/Web Pages should works in all browsers, and on all machines. However, with a flash-based design this is not true. because for running flash website in your machine flash must be in your computer which makes such website to machine dependency.

4. SEO Friendly URL: This is very important part of optimization, we should always try to put good keyword and page relevant keyword in url. SEO-friendly URL structure on a site means having the URL structure that helps the site rank higher in the search results. Using good URL structure is an SEO technique that is often neglected. However, it can give our web page a considerable boost. we should use keywords instead of random words and numbers in url. We always try to avoid to make long url and If you want to split words, always use hyphens in your URL instead of underscores or plus-signs.

5. Optimize Keywords in Heading Tags - H1, H2 and H3 etc : When writing articles about any topics, make sure our headline title will interest the reader enough to pull them in immediately, while clearly explaining the content. We should break up Our content into smaller sections & paragraphs to make it easier for people to read and understand. These sections can be given heading, which is where H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 etc. tags are used. Make sure we write keyword rich headings in the order of priority in H1, H2, H3, H4 & H5 etc. title tags. They are used by many crawlers by search Engines to differentiate important content.

6. Optimize Keywords in Hyperlink/Anchor Text : First of all we have to understand what is "Hyperlink/Anchor Text". This (Hyperlink/Anchor Text) is the visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web page. This is very important tags through which we can Optimize targeted Keywords through Anchor Text. as for as experience say if we have two links are targeting the same URL, only the anchor text used in the first link is counted by Google.

Tag: Your Hyperlink/Anchor Text Syntax: Hyperlink / Anchor Text
If possible, always avoid using images to link to other pages of your site. because Search engines cannot read images. Alt image tag is not passed as anchor text when linking from an image.

7. Optimize Image ALT tag : In few website client are required to optimize image on search engine, for such case we use Image alt tags. The alt tags attribute play a very important role to adds SEO value to your website. If we Add appropriate alt tags to our website/webpage images, that helps your website to achieve better rankings in the search engines by associating keywords with images. Why we should use Image Tags :

a) Search Engines robots cannot read images, thus we use image alt tags through this tags search engine recognize image. also using this tags we have opportunity to target our keyword on seach engine without using in content.
b) If we not use image alt tags, when we validate our HTML by "W3C Markup Validator" it generate error and it effect search engine page ranking.
c) The image name / filename can give search engine to clues about the subject matter of the image. thus we should use alt tags to give search engine clues about images.
d) For e-commerce where we only put product code to showing our product, this tags play great job for SEO to optimize your selling products that have only model number or serial numbers, we use short description or promotional keywords in our alt tags.

8. Internal Linking : Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. The total number of links on any page, including the navigation, should never be more than 75-100.

The Purpose for Using Internal Linking:
a) Sketch out a map of your website
b) They allow users to navigate a website.
9. Sitemap :

10. W3C Validate : Our Website should be W3C validate Style and XHTML. This play major role when Our Webpage crawl by search engine.

Avoid common on-page SEO mistakes such as:
Duplicate content URL variants of the same pages Off-site images and content on-site Duplicate title tags Conclusion :
1. Direct Depends on Webmaster and Developer & Designer.
2. This gives Long time SEO Results.
3. Natural SEO Optimization that delivers outstanding SEO results.
4. Go for SEO Friendly Website Structure.
5. Website Become W3C Validate
6. Improving in Website/Webpage Load Speed.
7. Optimize Content Faster.
8. Attract More Qualified Visitors.
9. Easy to Navigate website
10. Consistent in layout and design


How awesome! I’m so glad this was so helpful!

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